2.复制ZIP文件到 我的文档\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods(注:不要解压ZIP文件) 3.打开游戏,按ESC呼出游戏选项--其他--脚本模组 打勾,重启游戏。 by zero9127 文件说明 暂无介绍 Mod截图 相关作品 简易的Deatch Stench Alpha HR盔甲|[野生移植]-尼尔小姐姐用过的部分武器|《无双大蛇》355赵云界面|侠盗猎车...
不需要输入testingcheaste true,你控制哪个小人就加哪个小人的奖励点数 使用说明: 1.解压缩 2.复制ZIP文件到 我的文档\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods(注:不要解压ZIP文件) 3.打开游戏,按ESC呼出游戏选项--其他--脚本模组 打勾,重启游戏。 by zero9127MOD...
近期最爱的作者就是zero,虽然她主页的画风有点丧丧的,还喜欢吐槽,但是人家做的mod真的省心好用啊!可以对付很多令我不爽的游戏设定,因为是调整游戏原有内容,所以不需要汉化,加个XML注射器就行。(注射器下载) 涵盖内容非常丰富,大部分模组都以简单实用、贴近真实生活为主。比如对季节包的合理调整,让小人冬天不...
mod,GEN,zero系列颜色。更新,没那么艳了。 新版下载 衣服颜色没有那么艳丽,肤色更红润。 文件说明 暂无介绍 Mod截图 相关作品 FOX系列第三套|Madlen Astrid Shoes (Short) 高跟鞋|花植物13|上古卷轴5 独立随从魅娅MOD|【3DM-Sims小组】一对吸血鬼夫妻--阿尔布莱特和伊莉萨贝特|武器装甲服装和杂波修复-CBBE修补|...
Just received a warning that I violated something in terms of service but there's zero information. It says the Sims 4, that is it. I haven't streamed, I... - 8645586
This is a story of love and war. Do you like military girls? Do you like tactical shooters? Do you like dating sims? Then this game is for you! Wars and... LEGO Wolf3D Oct 3 2012Released 2012First Person Shooter A fan-made game combining Lego and Wolfenstein 3-D using the C4 game...
Landlords are so drunk with power they've started advertising apartments made in The Sims 4 on real estate websites Major browser providers scramble to patch an 18-year-old vulnerability affecting MacOS and Linux systems but Windows remains gloriously immune Kingdom Come: Deliverance, a 'seriously...
游戏名称:零反射:黑眼版 英文名称:Zero Reflex : Black Eye Edition 游戏类型:动作类(ACT)游戏 游...
After 11 years of no support from EA, The Sims 2 mods are harder to find than ever, but one fan has a "masterlist" of over 200 with everything from Bigfoot Romance to CAS overhaulsThe Sims 2 has officially returned to PC after over a decade of no official support from EA, which ...