本文踢出了TeCoA这一种对抗训练的方式能够在FT和VPT上大幅提升模型的zero-shot对抗鲁棒性。大量实验证明了该方法的有效性。 Mao C, Geng S, Yang J, et al. Understanding Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness for Large-Scale Models[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07016, 2022....
引入有效鲁棒性(effective robustness)的概念,即模型在分布偏移数据集上的准确性减去仅在参考分布上训练的基线模型的准确性。 有效鲁棒性的核心思想是,如果一个模型在参考分布上的准确性很高,我们可能会期望它在分布偏移的情况下也能保持较高的准确性。然而,这并不总是成立的,因为数据分布的变化可能会对模型的性能产...
We propose a new zero-shot CNN evaluation index based on this robustness index.Chisato TakahashiKenya Jin'noJournal of Signal Processing (1342-6230)
Robustness to Natural Distribution Shift 本实验在ImageNetV2、ImageNet Sketch 、Youtube-BB、ImageNet-...
Text-Guided Attention for Zero-Shot Robustness (TGA-ZSR). This framework incorporates two components: the Attention Refinement module and the Attention-based Model Constraint module. Our goal is to maintain the generalization of the CLIP model and enhance its adversarial robustness: The Attention ...
[75], fine- tuning comes at the cost of robustness: across several natural distribution shifts, the accuracy of their fine-tuned models is lower than that of the original zero-shot model. This leads to a natural question: Can zero-shot models be fine-tuned without reducing accuracy under ...
Despite recent advances on the development of zero-shot fine-grained recognition methods, the robustness of such models to adversarial attacks is not well understood. On the other hand, adversarial attacks have been widely studied for ... N Shafiee,E Elhamifar - Springer, Cham 被引量: 0发表:...
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Instead, the weights of RRDNet will be updated by a zero-shot scheme of iteratively minimizing a specially designed loss function. Such a loss function is devised to evaluate the current decomposition of the test image and guide noise estimation. Experiments demonstrate that RRDNet can achieve ...