Zero no tsukaima - Fun but Standard Few things differ this anime from any other of this genre, keeping the characters' personality and even their powers within the standard, without much news. However, the relationship between Saito and Louise becomes interesting, and very close to the end some...
又 名零之使魔 "Zero no tsukaima ... 编剧Eiji Usats...Noboru Yam... 主 演钉宫理惠日野聪Nanako InoueInokuchi YukaTetsuo Gotoh 剧情 在异世界哈尔凯尼亚被当作“使魔”被召唤出来的高中生平贺才人卷入了一场满载这四种元素的幻想罗曼史大冒险中。将才人召唤至异世界的是长相可爱却没有丝毫魔法才能的主人...
又 名零之使魔-双月之骑士 "Zero no tsuk... 编剧Eiji Usats...Noboru Yam... 主 演钉宫理惠日野聪根谷美智子平川大辅川澄綾子 剧情 《零之使魔》TV版动画归来。口耐贫乳史上最强外冷内热口不应心,出身贵族名门瓦留尔公爵家族,托丽斯汀魔法学院的零之学生露依斯,继前作将异世界的高中生才人作为使魔召唤...
Become a member to see contact information for Zero no tsukaima. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Episodes Companies News Cast + Add Cast 42 cast members Name Episodes Known for Rie Kugimiya Louise 13 Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror...
零之使魔 Zero no tsukaima 状态:全13集 主演:釘宮理惠/日野聡/堀江由衣 导演:岩崎良明 年份:2006 地区:日本 类型:喜剧/动作/爱情/动画/奇幻 时长:24 上映:2006-07-02 语言:日语,法语 更新:2024-12-25 22:38 豆瓣:7.3 简介:魔法世界,Torres Stein魔法学校,年轻人在这里学习魔法课程。Louise Dela Valli...
Zero no tsukaima: Purinsesse no rondo: With Rie Kugimiya, Satoshi Hino, Yui Horie, Mamiko Noto. Following Saito's heroic actions in the war with Albion in the second season, Saito and Louise return to Tristain, only to have the runes which bind Saito and
Zero no tsukaima: Futatsuki no kishi: With Rie Kugimiya, Satoshi Hino, Michiko Neya, Daisuke Hirakawa. In this continuation of the previous season, not long after the war, Louise and Saito seemingly getting along now since she knows that he had given up
In 2007, the second season, entitled Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi was produced by animation team, but with Yuu Kou as the director. The series contained twelve episodes and aired in Japan between July 9 and September 24 on several Japanese television networks, such as Sun TV, TV ...
In a World where young witches and wizards train at the Tristain Academy of Magic. One of these students is Louise, who's so terrible at magic she's earned the nickname "Zero". When the time comes for students to summon their familiars, she ends up summo
"zero louise". classificação de conteúdo: imagens sexualizadas, diálogo sugestivo gêneros: comédia, fantasia, seinen assista a esta série sem anúncios! ganhe 7 dias grátis de crunchyroll premium! comeÇar teste gratuito videos indisponíveis esta série não pode ser assistida no ...