O'Ryan rises, goes to the door... as Mackelway unholsters his gun. O'Ryan opens the door. Standing here is a COED, with a backpack. She looks confused. COED Oh. I'm sorry. I was looking for Professor-- 44. Just like that, O'Ryan has bolted past the Coed, literally tossing ...
The packaging is a standard window box with a tomb motif. It’s technically collector friendly, but mine has been a bit mangled over the years. The entire statue with base and backdrop is about eleven inches tall. The Lara figure itself is about nine inches. The entire piece is cast in...
The belt is removable and features two open-style holsters, which velcro onto the pants. The guns fit the holsters really well and don’t fall out like that one gun on my Winter Soldier figure. Have I mentioned before how much I love these open-style snap on holsters? Yeah, I’m sure...