...zero-length delimited 报错原因是:在一些数据库中,双引号“”可以用来标示字符串String,但是在Postgres数据库中,双引号只能用来引用标示符(Double quotes are used only to quote an "identifier", i.e., the name of a table, column, view, etc. ),例如用来引用表名、列名等。所以,当你的语句里用双...
错误信息“zero-length delimited identifier at or near """”表明SQL查询中遇到了一个由双引号包围的零长度标识符。在SQL中,双引号通常用于引用标识符,如表名、列名等。如果双引号内没有有效的标识符内容(即长度为零),数据库将无法解析这个引用,从而抛出此错误。 3. 可能导致错误的常见原因 多余的双引号:在编...
(report_on_exception is true): 09:46:07 web.1 | /Users/holman/.rbenv/versions/3.3.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.3.0/bundler/gems/rails-59064f88d8ab/actioncable/lib/action_cable/subscription_adapter/postgresql.rb:98:in `exec': ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """ (PG::SyntaxErro...
ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """ Position: 20. ERROR: relation "src_yp_online.yp_biz_chan_param_config" does not exist Position: 41. ERROR: relation "src_yp_online.yp_biz_chan_param_config" does not exist Position: 36. ERROR: relation "src_yp_online.yp_biz_ch...
后端将前端获取到的信息拼接为创建表的SQL语句时存在一定问题,导致SQL出现了语法错误等问题导致数据库无法执行SQL而报错。 bichaoyu创建了缺陷6个月前 opengauss_bot成员6个月前 Hey@bichaoyu, Welcome to openGauss Community. All of the projects in openGauss Community are maintained by@opengauss_bot. ...
Quick BI链接Hologres数据源不填写Schema,基于该数据源生成数据集,并进行表关联之后,保存报错:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near “”。数据集关联如下截图: 完整的报错信息如下: traceId:aba413a5-c00d-451f-b265-90ef7c634f25; ...
V1055. The 'sizeof' expression returns the size of the container type, not the number of elements. Consider using the 'size()' function. V1056. The predefined identifier '__func__' always contains the string 'operator()' inside function body of the overloaded 'operator()'. V1057. Pseud...
Error in query: [..not a valid identifier] Error in Update SP using TableValued parameter Error in view when using CONVERT(Date,GETDATE()) error message when remove log file Error Msg when sending email using sp_send_dbmail Error severity levels greater than 18 can only be specified by ...
CSV export - pipe delimited with double quotes when opening in Excel CSV Export Double Quotes Current date minus 365 daqys Current week as default week in the SSRS report Current Year expression in SSRS 2008 custom code function error [BC30451] 'Test' is not declared. it may be inaccessible...