zero-hours contract Wikipedia or zero-hour contract n (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an employment contract which does not oblige the employer to provide regular work for the employee, but requires the employee to be on call in the event that work becomes available ...
这种雇佣方式就叫zero hours contract(零时工合同)。 The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so ...
zero hours contract 零时工合同 The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so that they are ...
Zero hours contract(有时也写作zero hour contract)指雇主雇佣员工却不保证给其安排工作的合同情形,我们称之为“零时工合同”。签订这种合同就意味着,员工只在有工作要求时干活,需随叫随到,做多少工作拿多少报酬。有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分...
Zerohourscontract(有时也写作zerohourcontract)指雇主雇佣员工却不保证给 其安排工作的合同情形,我们称之为“零时工合同”。签订这种合同就意味着,员工只在有工 作要求时干活,需随叫随到,做多少工作拿多少报酬。有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接 受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分...
Zero hours contract(有时也写作zero hour contract)指雇主雇佣员工却不保证给其安排工作的合同情形,我们称之为“零时工合同”。签订这种合同就意味着,员工只在有工作要求时干活,需随叫随到,做多少工作拿多少报酬。有些“零时工合同”要求员工必须接受雇主提出的工作时间要求,有些会让员工考虑后做决定;不过,大部分...
A“zero-hour contract” refers to a contract between a business and a casual worker, usually for ad hoc or on-call work, such as seasonal event work. It offers flexibility for both sides, as employers are not obliged to offer guaranteed hours of work and casual workers do ...
zero-hours(零时工合同,1988年),在英国指不包括雇员固定工作保障的雇佣合同。来自权威《牛津英语辞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)最新更新版
Zero-hour contracts enable businesses to offer work to casual employees on flexible terms and at the last minute. This can be done without needing to offer more regular hours to the casual employee. 3. For on-call work Zero-hour contracts are also used in the context of on-call work. ...
Related Terms Employment Status Notice Period Employment Agreement A zero-hour contract is an employment contract that stipulates an employer does not have to provide an employee with a minimum or guaranteed number of working hours. The employee isn’t guaranteed a regular salary and is only paid ...