"If you read Zero Hedge consistently you will have every bear case covered. It's a one-stop shop. You will have everything that could go potentially wrong in the economy and geopolitics," said Colas. The first rule of Zero Hedge:Zero Hedge itselfwarns readersthat making investment decisions...
《Zerohedge》报导,随着美国联准会(Fed) 十二月份利率决策会议日渐接近,目前市场广泛预估Fed 将于十二月份出手升息,再加上川普(Donald Trump) 当选后可望扩大美国的财政支出、扩建基础建设,两大因素双双刺激美债殖利率曲线斜率进一步趋陡。 如上图所示,周一(14 日) 三十年期美债殖利率已飙升至2.99%,创下了今年以来...
Beijing has used the country’s size and promise for decades to quell opposition and reward those who helped its rise.” Financial institutions have been Beijing’s most powerful advocates in Washington. The finance sector – the big banks, hedge funds and investment...
So the very technocracy which “polices itself” and tried to eradicateZeroHedge‘s web presence and commercial viability will now hold sway over the DNS assignment and naming properties of the internet. The bigger news is that since it is a vaguely designed “international” body, U.S. law ...
zerohedge代言人 20-04-27 21:33 来自iPhone $NATGAS: Big winner today from our newsletter! We entered shorts at $1.895 after daily top BB was rejected and a short term upward trending channel formed a top at $2.11.Shorted down to $1.80 and we are now at a KEY PIVOT. +5% profit in ...
NEVER MISS THE NEWS THAT MATTERS MOST ZEROHEDGE DIRECTLY TO YOUR INBOX Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories. The trade is audacious even for Bass, who profited handsomely during the subprime crisis but has since had less success with doomsday calls on everything...
The North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub are delighted to announce the launch of the North East & Yorkshire Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation (NEYPED) Programme! We are pleased to have appointed global professional services company Turner… 2022/10/17 Net Zero Living Programme Briefing Sessio...
This is an account setup as a multiple managed fund such as an investment fund, a hedge fund or a mutual fund that has multiple types of fund under management, e.g., a value fund, an aggressive fund, a long term growth fund, a bond fund, an emerging fund, etc. Financial Advisor. ...
SkyBridge Capital founder Anthony Scaramucci said his hedge fund investment firm’s performance this year is the best it has been in more than a decade. The firm had “the best 4 1/2 months” since 2012, Scaramucci said Wednesday in an interview with Bloomberg TV on the sidelines of the...