Transport engaged WSP to support delivery of the Strategic Business Case for transitioning the NSW bus fleet to Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs). WSP’s strategy, technical and planning advisors also supported the delivery of the ZEB transition strategy which looked at how such a change might be imple...
New South Wales targets a fully transitioned fleet by 2047 and will stagger the transition by 2035 in Greater Sydney, Outer Metro regions by 2040 and regional NSW by 2047. Asreported, Greater Sydney alone has 8,000 buses in service and has been planning for zero-emission alternatives since 20...
The state of Victoria had an emission factor of 1.07, NSW, ACT, and QLD of around 0.8, WA of 0.7, and SA of 0.5—the differences being a consequence of the amount of renewable energy in electricity production. This means that a university in Adelaide (South Australia, highest penetration ...