At Chapter 2590, Upon Shi Feng's command, over a hundred crippled or weak NPCs was gathered and was given a drop of Water of Life transforming them to their peak conditions. Of the 100-plus NPCs gathered, 2 are Dark-Gold, 6 are Fine-Gold, 49 are Secret-Silver and the rest are Myst...
5.11 Tactical Zero Dark Hundred Hat Style: 89372ICERoperBoots
which is great. There are also these strange swivels just above the ankles, which I don’t recall ever seeing on aClassifiedfigure before. Usually the lower leg swivels would be at the tops of boots. But
purple go-go boots, and a really funky top. It’s 70’s chic through and through. The paintwork here is also top notch, right down to the silver paint on her individual rings. Yes, the previous Jo Grant figure had swap out arms and a removable jacket, and this one offers no such ...
and thigh straps to hold the holsters in place. The older figure has sculpted straps just above the knees, whereas the new one does not. On the downside, the tops of the boots on the new figure are separate pieces and held on by friction. And when I say “held on” I’m being gen...
the wraps on his boots, and all that chiseled Asgardian muscle. I also really dig the head sculpt. The coif of hair is cast in a separate piece of plastic, crowning his rather perturbed expression. He looks like someone just nicked his tankard of ale. The paint applications on the face ...