3重要的旅游中心,每年接待1830万游客,主要景点有:千禧球场、卡迪夫城堡、威尔士国家博物馆 Introduces garden city Cardiff.1 English tenth big city, Wales's capital and biggest city 2 summers sunny warm, the highest temperature in 19 to 22 degrees Celsius, quite is equally moist in the winter, ...
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4多次举办国际体育塞事,2009年被授予“欧洲体育之城”的称号 Introduces garden city Cardiff.1 English tenth big city, Wales's capital and biggest city 2 summers sunny warm, the highest temperature in 19 to 22 degrees Celsius, quite is equally moist in the winter, temperature above zero degree.3...
4多次举办国际体育塞事,2009年被授予“欧洲体育之城”的称号 Introduces garden city Cardiff.1 English tenth big city, Wales's capital and biggest city 2 summers sunny warm, average temperature in 19 to 22 degrees Celsius, quite is moist in the winter, temperature above zero degree.3 important ...