Zepter International is a multi-branded multinational company that produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high-quality consumer goods around the world.
Zepter International is a multi-branded multinational company that produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high-quality consumer goods around the world, principally through its own sales network as well as through high-end stores.
此外,Zepter的刀具也备受好评,采用优质不锈钢一体成型,高温淬火处理,加厚耐磨,坚硬防锈,清洗方便,手工开刃工艺使得刀具持久锋利。 'Zepter'与相似概念或品牌的区别 与市场上其他厨具品牌相比,Zepter在多个方面展现出独特的优势。首先,在材质选择上,Zepter更注重环保和健康,使用高品质的不锈钢和耐热材料,...
Home page of Zepter International - a global enterprise which produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high-quality consumer goods around the world principally by way of direct sales and also through high-end stores. Our products include: cookware, cos
Zepter International is a multi-branded multinational company that produces, sells and distributes exclusive, high-quality consumer goods around the world, principally through its own sales network as well as through high-end stores.
Zepter International, a multi-branded global enterprise that produces, sells and distributes exclusive high-quality consumer goods around the world, is introducing a full range of watches to its existing brand portfolio. Since its inception, almost 30 years ago, Zepter has striven to enhance lif...
Zepter厨具是一家知名的厨具品牌,以其高品质、多样化的产品而著称。该品牌的厨具不仅设计优雅,而且实用性强,能够满足不同用户的需求。Zepter的产品线涵盖了各种厨房用具,如炒锅、煎锅、刀具、厨房杂件等,为家庭和商业厨房提供了全面的解决方案。二、质量评价 Zepter厨具在质量方面表现出色。该品牌注重材料...
Zepter Z`ep·ter[`tsεptɐ]发音 全球 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 德汉-汉德词典 (n/m) - ① 君主的节杖(权位的象征) ② 君权;统治权 [das]权杖。 近义词 近义词: Herrschaftssymbol 联想词 Schwert中插板,中插水板;Krone顶端,顶冠;Hand手;Regentschaft摄政;Ruder桨;Stab指挥;Arm臂,胳臂;...