Zenless Zone Zero es el nuevo RPG de acción y fantasía urbana de HoYoverse. En este universo, la civilización moderna ha sido destruida por una calamidad conocida como las Cavidades. Estos fenómenos aparecen de la nada y crean anomalías espaciales repletas de monstruos poderosos llamados "ser...
As of August, there is a daily check-in event available for Zenless Zone Zero. You can find ithereand start raking in the rewards. That’s everything in our Zenless Zone Zero events guide for now, but be sure to bookmark this page as there’s always something on the horizon. In t...
Zenless Zone Zero Bewertungen globaler Spieler 9 % 5 % 2 % 10 % Informationen zum Spiel und rechtliche Hinweise Geh nicht in die Höhlen. Ich weiß, ich weiß, dass die Höhlen jede Menge Ätherressourcen, Mutanten und sogar Relikte der alten Zivilisation beherbergen. Sie sind ...
Zenless Zone Zero Se connecter pour évaluer Avis global des joueurs 4.36Évaluation moyenne de 4.36 étoiles sur cinq basée sur 39945 évaluations 39945 avis 74 % 9 % 5 % 2 % 10 % Informations sur le jeu et mentions légales N'allez surtout pas dans les Néantres.Je sais, je ...
Safety is a character from the Mobile Game Zenless Zone Zero. Due to being indexed as a Other character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 Unknown 眼睛的颜色 Unknown 头发颜色 Unknown 头发长度 Unknown Apparent Age Unknown 猫耳 Unknown Relations ...
Your Inter-Knot Level in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) is crucial for progressing into the main story and unlocking more Commissions (quests). Several main story commissions require a certain Inter-Knot Level and before you can pursue these commissions to progress in the game, you will have to ...
Zenless Zone Zero at a glance. Status: Released, 4 July 2024. Platforms: PC, PS5, Android, iOS. Genres: RPG (Action RPG). Company: miHoYo. Tags: Future, Third-person, 3D, Fantasy, Post-apocalypse, Science fiction, Fictitious events, Real world. Graphic a
Zenless Zone Zero este noul RPG de acțiune fantasy în mediu urban, dezvoltat de HoYoverse. Civilizația contemporană este distrusă de o calamitate numită Hollows. Apar de nicăieri, creează anomalii spațiale pline cu monștri înspăimântători, numiți Ethere...
Zenless Zone Zero Caesar leaks: All Abilities, Attribute, Specialty, and more Edward Strazd Zenless Zone Zero Zenless Zone Zero Burnice leaks: All Abilities, Attribute, Specialty, and more Lazar Pavlovic Author Cecilia Ciocchetti Freelance writer mainly focusing on the League of Legends...
Dive into our best Zenless Zone Zero Zhu Yuan build so you can get to grips with the powerful S-rank agent's attacks, equipment, and more.