x-C SEC-150和300孔体积约为1.35 mL/g,Zenix-C SEC-100孔体积约为1.0 mL/g)使得Zeni x 柱具有的高分离效率和分辨率。Zenix-C SEC柱通过运用独有的匀浆装填技术装填得到的柱床密度均一稳 定,获得很大的柱效。 Zenix-C SEC柱为各种分离应用提供优良分辨率和很高回收率。应用领域覆盖了大分子量的生物分子(如...
The bonded phase in Zenix-C SEC columns is more polar than the hydrophilic phase used in Zenix columns, making Zenix-C columns better suited for the gel filtration analysis of more hydrophobic bioopolymers such as membrane proteins and pegylated antibodies. Both Zenix-C and Zenix columns are bas...
产品类别:进口试剂 优惠价:立即咨询 产品价格 产品编号包装单位单价(元)国内现货国外库存询价单 34523531 PKG22420 基本信息 NACRES SB.52 General description【一般描述】 The bonded phase in Zenix-C SEC columns is more polar than the hydrophilic phase used in Zenix columns, making Zenix-C columns better...
色谱柱 Zenix-C在寰熙网如展示标价的,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与寰熙线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准。如用户在寰熙网上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。色谱柱商品详情页中(含主图)以文字或者图片形式标注的价格...
Zenix-C系列是在Zenix系列的基础上,专门推出用于高疏水性蛋白及聚合物改性蛋白样品的新型色谱柱。该键合固定相采用3µm高纯硅胶作为基质,通过专利的表面修饰技术,在硅胶表面键合一层均匀的纳米厚度中性亲水涂层而制备得到。 Zenix-C SEC-80色谱柱采用3um粒径的高纯硅胶为基质:其特制的80 Å孔径,为您提供最高的...
Zenix®-C SEC-300 Gel Filtration Guard Column, 3 μm 产品介绍: 产品说明 一般描述 The bonded phase in Zenix-C SEC columns is more polar than the hydrophilic phase used in Zenix columns, making Zenix-C columns better suited for the gel filtration analysis of more hydrophobic bioopolymers suc...
Delaware Technology Park 5-100 Innovation Way, Newark, DE 19711, USA Phone: (302) 366-1101; Fax: (302) 366-1151 Toll Free: 1-877-SEPAX-US; www.sepax-tech.com Zenix-C SEC User Manual Column Information Utilizing proprietary surface technologies and 3 m particle size, Zenix-C SEC ...
Sepax SRT-C, Zenix-C SEC Phases Complimentary Phases to SRT for Derivatized Monoclonal Antibodies General Description Stationary Phase Structure SRT, Zenix, SRT-C and Zenix-C SEC phases developed based on innovative surface coating technology comprised of uniform, hydrophilic, and neutral ...