Liberals of the zemstvo and the development of the public education in the Tver province (second half of the 19th century)zemstvoliberalismpublic educationtheory of small affairspublic schoolsThe article overviews the activities of 3 notable members of the Tver zemstvo V.N...
With the onset of the reform era of the 1860s, Don liberals proposed a battery of fundamental reforms for the Don host. They were prepared to sacrifice the cossacks' unique identity as a military estate in return for economic and cultural progress. In spite of some minor gains, such as ...
See Robert Johnson, “Liberal Professionals and Professional Liberals: The Zemstvo Statisticians and Their Work,” W.S. Vucinich and T. Emmons, eds., The Zemstvo in Russia: An Experiment in Local Self-government (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 343–363. An extremely valuable ...