When I hit enter, it says “No Ansys products were detected. Check the license settings…” I can start OpticStudio by opening the license manager, which takes me to the Ansys website where I can select a button that says “Stopped”, but what a bother and it requires me to be online...
Investors of Zemax include Ansys, EQT and Arlington Capital Partners. Looking for a leg up on competitive, customer and technology insights? CB Insights puts confidence and clarity into your most strategic decisions. See how. Join a demo. Trusted by the world's smartest companies to: Predict ...
As of Jan 2024, legacy Zemax July 2023 or newer and Ansys OpticStudio 2023 r1 or newer have been reported to be able to be emulated properly, though older versions may work. Your mileage may vary depending on your machine hardware, version of WIndows and license type (...
14.打开安装包解压后的【Zemax OpticStudio2022(64bit)】文件夹,双击打开【Crack】文件夹。 15.鼠标右击【ANSYS Inc】选择【复制】。 16.打开步骤9记录的地址(我这里为D盘Program Files下),鼠标右击空白处选择【粘贴】。 17.点击【替换目标中的文件】。 18.点击任务栏中的【开始图标】,点击【ANSYS License……】...
I was having trouble getting OpticStudio to recognize my recently acquired 3 month license, and kept getting an error that read "One or more Ansys Zemax products were detected, however the license is expired or unable to be used". Under the Optics Launcher, I was evaluated for a 1 month ...