One criticism ofBOTWwas the lack of classicZeldadungeons.TOTKended up having an in-between style of dungeons to address the criticism, but they were still far from the classic style. The areas were much more contained and relatively quick to complete, with the dungeons having one main puzzle ...
Tears of the Kingdomonly months away, it's not long till the upcoming return to Hyrule. As a direct sequel toBreath of the Wild,TOTKhas the opportunity to build upon and expand everything that made the game so popular. One such area is the intriguing avenue opened up byBOTW’s Tarrey...
37,389 Version 0.9 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 17 June 202310:59PM Original upload 17 June 202310:46PM Created by Exiblade7 Uploaded by Exiblade7 Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files1
How to Get the Zonai Portable Pot in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom TheZonai Portable Potis one of the fourteen Zonai Devices Link can obtain inTears of the Kingdom. Zonai Devices are a new type of item added inTears of the Kingdomthat arepieces of ancient technolo...
BOTW紫红色调,林克向上仰望,正在攀爬 TOTK蓝绿色调,林克向下俯视,准备降落 一个让公主等到流泪,一个让国王等到流泪 世纪渣男—林克 31061310 王国之泪吧 快乐Di乌龟 塞尔达王国之泪全地图开启点亮教程很多人习惯了旷野之息,平板放到传送点,就自动点亮地图,我也以为是这样,结果我按照网络上的全传送点图跑完了,...
Get ready for an absolutely massive adventure - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has been in development for many years now, and it's expected to be...
也是在新主机上更新完所有季票 理由如下 首先ns的机能已经带不动totk了,这个也是大伙有功目睹的,我不觉得epd3还会制作什么新东西进来 其次,从游玩体验的内容上来看,botw的所有dlc内容都已经复制到了totk里面,这方面我觉得哪怕是大师模式,可能也会以更新的方式来解决 最后,藤林在采访表示已经有新想法了,再加上...