Hyrule is huge place to explore, and Link is a very slow person. Going from one region to another initially feels exciting but tedious after a few hours. One of the best things to do for traveling in Hyrule (besides using Warp points) is by horse inZelda BOTW.Find and tame a horse a...
BOTW Shrine Map Use this image as a quick reference and the list of all shrines in BOTW below, but if you prefer a map view, please use our infinitely more detailed and zoomable interactive Breath of the Wild Shrine map that details the location of every Shrine in Hyrule. We added a ...
Riddles of Hyrule:Great Hyrule Forest - Walton, 大树顶部 Legendary Rabbit Trial:Great Hyrule Forest - Peeks Special Delivery:Bank of Wishes - Finley, Zora's domain西南岸边 Lynel Safari:Zora's Domain - Laflat, 完成Zora's domain主线后解锁,奖励Zora腿甲 The Giant of Ralis Pond:Zora's domain -...
Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tutsuwa Nima Shrine Guide In Zelda Breath of the Wild, Tutsuwa Nima Shrine is among the most challenging yet exciting shrines to complete. This… ByAli Asif2025-01-28 How To Get To Hyrule Castle Moat West Chasm In Zelda: TotK ...
简单简介 在3DM Mod站下载师父最新的Sifu Hyrule Warriors Zelda BOTW Mod Mod,由User619制作。Sky小夜在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: User619 Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 4.76MB 更新时间: 2022-11-24 20:...
欢迎来到《塞尔达传说旷野之息》的世界!如果你正在寻找收集呀哈哈种子的地方,那么Hyrule Ridge/丘陵之塔是一个非常不错的选择。这座塔位于游戏的西北部,周围环绕着广袤的丘陵地带,拥有许多呀哈哈种子等珍贵物品等待着你的探索。接下来,让我们一起来详细了解Hyrule Ridge/丘陵之塔呀哈哈种子的收集攻略吧!
I go back to the giant korok tree and try the Hinox Toof, but it doesn’t solve the puzzle. Nuts. Somewhere in Hyrule forest, there’s still my Master Sword out there, and I’m not sure when I’ll get it.
可說是Nitendo Switch上的代表作之一的《薩爾達傳說 曠野之息》為開放世界並融合許多新元素,把薩爾達風格表現的淋漓盡致,成為《薩爾達傳說》系列作的最高傑作,更是風靡全世界。因為遊玩自由度非常的高,即使距離發售已經過去3年,但是現在仍然在遊玩的玩家可不在少數。官
Tools of the Trade The Forgotten Sword Gerudo Canyon Stable Missing in Action Rushroom Rush! Gerudo Canyon Good-Sized Horse Kara Kara Bazar An Ice Guy Great Hyrule Forest A Freezing Rod The Korok Trails Riddles of Hyrule Legendary Rabbit Trail ...
在《塞尔达传说旷野之息》中,呀哈哈种子是一项重要的收集任务。在Central Hyrule/平原之塔区域内,有许多呀哈哈种子等待着玩家去发掘。在本攻略中,我们将为您详细介绍Central Hyrule/平原之塔区域内的呀哈哈种子收集方法,让您轻松完成这一挑战。跟随我们的攻略,成为一名真正的呀哈哈种子专家!