Cook on the go with this handy portable cooking pot Zonai device in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
If you're just starting out,Getting Started And Beginner Tipswill be useful. We also have BOTW guides to help you with theTarrey Town Quest, how to get equipment such as theHylian Shield, theMaster Sword, theGreen Tunic, and theRadiant Set, plus advice on theBest Clothing An...
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild wiki strategy guide includes a full game Walkthrough to all dungeons, Interactive Map of all important locations, like Shrines, collectibles like Memories and Korok Seed locations, and many other helpful sections. The Legend of Zelda: BOTW was released ...
BOTW has 10s across the board. It will be GOTY for sure and I will have a blast playing it! Can't wait until this weekend! 0 Reply 106 Serpenterror Thu 2nd Mar 2017 No need to guess the final score. At the end of the day, it's a straight 10/10 no matter what and it sure...
gameplay mechanics, including how to navigate Sky Islands scattered across Hyrule andLink’s new abilities inTears of the Kingdom. In a sense, this is similar to BoTW’s Grand Plateau tutorial, which has players introduced to the main gameplay mechanics before setting them off into the open ...
While you will be saving Hyrule once again, everything about BoTW is completely different from any other Zelda game in the franchise. The entire world of the game is open at the start, and the player has freedom to explore. And for once in a Zelda game, complete freedom actually meanscom...
1. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 2. Super Mario Odyssey 3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 (96) 5. Elden Ring (95) 6. God of War (94) 7. The Last of Us Remastered (94)
Call of Duty voted most stressful - We all play video games for different reasons, but one particularly common reason is to unwind and de-stress after a busy...
After I beat BotW I had almost no desire to go back to the world. The story and characters really let me down. The gameplay was very fun but flawed as armor and cooking really break the game's difficulty. I found myself at the end of the game wishing I could hav...
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild How to Guides The Legend of Zelda:BOTW is a very intuitive game, but sometimes you need a little help (otherwise you wouldn't be reading this). IGN has provided the followinghow toguides to make things a little easier: ...