Bokoblins Without much in the way of clothing to protect them, they tend to run when menaced by bees. Bokoblins These omnivorous monsters enjoy not only meat and fish but also fresh fruit. Sand Seals Sand seals provide a fast way to travel across sand. When hitching a ride, be careful...
[11] Link ventures deep into the Woods and finds Talo and the Monkey trapped in a cage surrounded by Bokoblins.[12] He defeats the creatures and frees the pair.[13] They head back to the Village, and Rusl tells Link that he will depart for Hyrule the following day.[14] The next ...
Bokoblins, Moblins, Lizalfos, and Lynels are capable of using Bows and sometimes use Arrows. Link can also pick up Arrows that enemies fire at the ground after missing their shot. Link can stun Guardians by shooting them in the eye with Arrows. Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Bomb Arrows...
Below you'll find every single amiibo released so far, and you can also search the range using keywords or by clicking the relevant links. Oh, and don't forget to hover your mouse over the amiibo image to see what its box art looks like, too. List of all amiibo 1to50of234...