Zeihan on Geopolitics (2023) (TV Series) - Self - Host (2 episodes, 2023), Writer (2 episodes, 2023) No Regional Powers Will Provide Aid to Hamas || Peter Zeihan (十一月 16, 2023) Self - Host, Writer Don't Be Surprised by China's Collapse || Peter Zeihan (九月 19, 2023)...
Peter Zeihan an expert in geopolitics: the study of how place impacts financial, economic, cultural, political and military developments. He presents customized executive briefings to a wide array of audiences...
"The Peter Zeihan Podcast Series" Syria Breakdown: What Led Them to This? || Peter Zeihan (Podcast Episode 2024) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
In general, Zeihan does a good job of going pretty deep into how the world works, and explaining things like I'm five. This is inevitably simplifying, as in his explanation of mediums of exchange, which ignore ledgers as an important part of the history (seeDebt by David Graeber). Nits...
Peter Zeihan is a top virtual keynote speaker in geopolitical strategy who specializes in energy, demographics, and security. Before founding his own firm, Zeihan on Geopolitics, Peter worked for the U.S. State Department and private think tanks. He is also the author of several influential geo...
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地缘政治学者Peter Zeihan认为,美国能源上的自给自足,使得美国失去了与其他国家交流的必要性 分享自@雪球 http://t.cn/EoI3fIt
这个人还是别看了,Peter Zeihan预计中国今年会崩溃,因为中国85%的能源,85%粮食和85%的原材料要靠进口(这是他的原话)。他还给人上课讲这些,说中国很快就会进入崩溃。我看过他YouTube上的2个小时原视频,这个人完全是个不学无术的骗子。大家可以去搜一搜他的名字,会得到很多搞笑的言论。
This week’s podcast is a rant about the common “China is going to collapse” narrative. Most recently made by Peter Zeihan on Joe Rogan. You can listen to this podcast here, which has the slides and graphics mentioned. Also available atiTunesandGoogle Podcasts. ...