ZedBoard is a low-cost development board for the Xilinx Zynq-7000 all programmable SoC (AP SoC). This board contains everything necessary to create a Linux®, Android®, Windows®, or other OS/RTOS based design. Additionally, several expansion connectors expose the processing system and ...
入式ARM®处理通用Zynq™-7000APSoC原型设计 相关的资源: 技术社区:.zedboard爱板网关于ZebBoard非常专业的系列评测文章购买: 爱板网开发板商城ZedBoard_RevC.1_Schematic_130129.pdf[4.1MB][原理图] [下载积分:5][下载次数:126]ZedBoard_RevC.1_BOM_130129.pdf[126.8KB] ...
zynq soc7000汇总官方2zedboard板载.pdf,ZedBoard Rev C.1 Errata Copyright © 2013 Avnet, Inc. AVNET and the AV logo are registered trademarks of Avnet, Inc. All other brands are property of their respective owners. Avnet Electronics Marketing 1 of 18 Rev
ZedBoard是基于Xilinx Zynq™-7000扩展式处理平台(EPP)的低成本开发板。此板可以运行基于Linux,Android,Windows®或其他OS/ RTOS的设计。此外,可扩展接口使得用户可以方便访问处理系统和可编程逻辑。 Zynq-7000 EPP将ARM®处理系统和与Xilinx 7系列可编程逻辑完美地结合在一起,可以创建独特而强大的设计。
接着昨天的工作,在xilinx的官网上找到了zynq7000的application notes 和一些packhttp://www.xilinx.com/support/index.html/content/xilinx/en/supportNav/app_notes_and_white_papers.html 里面有用的信息很多,在这里我找到了Memory Interface and Controller这一个分栏里面有application note 和 user guide ...
ZedBoard is a low-cost development board for the Xilinx Zynq-7000 all programmable SoC (AP SoC). This board contains everything necessary to create a Linux®, Android®, Windows®, or other OS/RTOS based design. Additionally, several expansion connectors expose the processing system and ...
Zynq-7000 interrupts 64 shared peripheral interrupts (PL interrupts + PS IOP interrupts) are supported, starting from ID 32 ZedBoard schematics http://zedboard.org/sites/default/files/documentations/ZedBoard_RevD.2_Schematic_130516.pdf ZedBoard Out Of Box (OOB) SD card image and source can be...
UART1.rar_PL uart_ZEDBOARD 串口_vivado 串口通信_zynq7000 pl串口_zynq串口通信 可直接用于zedboard上的串口通信,利用zynq7000的pl部分实现一个简单的UART串口通信 上传者:weixin_42662293时间:2022-07-15 mys_uart_cycle.rar_uart vivado_vivado_vivado uart_vivado uartlit ...
Zynq-7000 interrupts 64 shared peripheral interrupts (PL interrupts + PS IOP interrupts) are supported, starting from ID 32 ZedBoard schematics http://zedboard.org/sites/default/files/documentations/ZedBoard_RevD.2_Schematic_130516.pdf ZedBoard Out Of Box (OOB) SD card image and source can be...
ZedBoard is a low-cost development board for the Xilinx Zynq-7000 all programmable SoC (AP SoC). This board contains everything necessary to create a Linux®, Android®, Windows®, or other OS/RTOS based design. Additionally, several expansion connectors expose the processing system and ...