Note:Thezed_interfacespackage has been removed from this repository and moved to its ownzed-ros-interfacesrepositoryto allow better integration of the ZED Wrapper on remote ground stations that do not require the full package to be installed. To update your repository please follow thenew update i...
2. ZED ROS Wrapper官方github已经更新,根据描述新的Wrapper可能已经不适用与Ros Indigo了,如果大家想参照这份博客进行安装ZED ROS Wrapper,有可能会出现其他问题。ZED ROS Wrapper github地址: 最近想运用ZED相机在ROS系统上实时运行ORB-SLAM2,在环境配置的过程当中遇到...
1 安装设置ROS 2 安装NVIDIA显卡驱动 3 安装CUDA 4 安装ZED SDK 5 使用 ZED ROS Interface 1、 安装设置ROS ROS是一个挺大的题目,不是一两句能够说清楚的。不过ROS官方网站上的Tutorials(ROS tutorial)写的比较详细,过一遍beginner level的tutorials应该就能对ROS有一个大致的了解。 ROS安装的相关参考,可以看(RO...
由于自己的电脑没有NVIDIA的显卡,下载官方的驱动的ros驱动需要安装CUDA,所以在网上找的一个大佬的,不需要显卡就能跑得动相机。 1.zed_cup_ros安装及使用 先去zed官网下载,ZED官网下载SDK 官网传送门: ...
To start a ZED ROS node you can use the following commands in a shell console: ZED: $ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch ZED Mini: $ roslaunch zed_wrapper zedm.launch ZED 2: $ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch ZED 2i: $ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2i.launch ...
本文下载的是ZED_SDK_Ubuntu16_cuda10.0_v3.1.2.run在终端输入命令行:我这里对应的是我的 windows10 安装 ROS System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))2,安装ros-melodicchoco source add -n=ros-win -s="" --priority=1 ...
请问安装zed,运行ZED_Dignosizic,诊断相机连接时:processor 报错:unable to identify your processor,make sure that it fits the requirements; 并且cametest:camera not detected 现在下载zed-ros-wrappe编译遇到问题:主要是报错(几个变量不是sl的成员?我初学代码,还不太懂如何解决,希望您能告知一二,万分感谢) ...
This package is a collection of examples and tutorials to illustrate how to better use the ZED cameras in the ROS framework More information Getting started First, be sure to have installed the main ROS package to integrate the ZED cameras in the ROS framework:zed-ros-wrapper ...
测试环境:NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX + Ubuntu 20.04 +ROS Noetic + JetPack 5.0.2+ZED 测试环境所用镜像:JP502-xnx-sd-card-image-b231 安装步骤 SDK安装 JetPack 5.0.2对应的SDK版本为3.7.7 | SDK安装包下载地址 赋予权限 $ sudo chmod +x 执行安装程序 $ ./ZED...