商品名称:ZEBRAZT411 商品编号:100101868290 货号:ZT411 条形码:二维码 纸张探测方式:反射式 类型:热转印打印机 用途:标签打印 无线打印:不支持无线打印 输入电源:适配器 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期1年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。 如因...
With the Network Connect option, ZT400 printers can be connected directly to Industrial Ethernet network without any additional equipment. Ordering Options: ZT41142-T0100A0Z -4", 203 dpi, 10/100 Ethernet, Bluetooth, USB, RFID UHF Encoder, FCC ...
Buy Zebra ZT411 Industrial Direct Thermal/Thermal Transfer Printer - Label Print - Ethernet - USB - Serial - Bluetooth - 39" Print Length - 4.09" Print Width ZT41146-T410000Z with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded
For example, in the part number ZT411x3 – xxxxxxxx, ZT411 indicates that the printer is a ZT411 model, and 3 indicates that the printhead resolution is 300 dpi. 19 Printer Setup Connecting to a Computer Using the Printer’s USB Port 1. After you install the drivers, connect the USB ...
Product Name: ZT41142-T010000Z Date of experience: 08 June 2022 UsefulShare EyEx DivineRo 1 review US 27 Jul 2023 I upgraded my tc52ax to AOSP (China… I upgraded my tc52ax to AOSP (China only) to android 13.. Because I am in China.. And the showcase will not upgrade.. And ...
ZEBRA 斑马ZT411 203dpi (带剥离回卷)工业型条码机固定资产二维码不干胶标签打印机 ¥1.02万 查看详情 ZEBRA斑马ZT410 300dpi商用工业级条形码标签机标识条码标签 ¥6390.00 查看详情 TSC先擘4T520亚银纸标牌防水不干胶铭牌机条码标签打印机固定资产 ¥629.00 查看详情 ZEBRA斑马ZD500R 商用工业级条形码标签机标...
To send the ZPL command over a network, you can connect to the Zebra printer using its IP address. You can use the JavaScript fetch API to send the data. Example of Wi-Fi transmission: importTcpSocketfrom'react-native-tcp-socket';constprintZplToNetPrinter=(zpl,ip="")=>{/...
Faulty software packaged in a stylish device that doesn't deliver. Stores blame it on wifi, but even restarting/rebooting doesn't help half the time failing to connect or stay connected. Even windows 8 worked better. Date of experience: September 14, 2023 UsefulShare Advertisement ST Steen ...
抗金属升级款斑马工业型标签打印机ZT411R RFID电子编码器 ¥1.89万 本店由中国供应商运营支持 获取底价 南京旭生电子信息技术有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 品牌 斑马 屏幕色彩 1600万色 RAM 12MB ROM 12MB 质保 一年 颜色 黑色 CPU类型 IntelPXA CPU频率...