The ZT200 series of printers consists of two price point options, although the only substantive difference in terms of features between the ZT220 and ZT230 is the material used for the external cover. Both printers in the ZT200 series are built on a common platform and share the same ...
Zebra斑马ZT510 工业打印机用户手册.pdf,ZT510 工业用打印机 用户指南 P1095460-05ZHCN ZEBRA 字标和仿斑马头部图像均为 Zebra Technologies Corporation 的商标,并已在世界多个司法辖区 注册。所有其他商标是其各自所有人的财产。 © 2019 Zebra Technologies Corporati
(optional) ZE511/ • BT 4.1 ZE521 ZT400 Series: • BT 2.1+ EDR (standard) ZT410, ZT411, • 802.11 a/b/g/n (optional) ZT420, ZT421 (EDR: Enhanced Data Rate) Apple iOS support and Made for iPod, iPhone, iPad means that an electronic accessory has been...
Zebra 105SL斑马条码打印机电源 电源开关位于zebra打印机后面,而且可以看见有一个230V或110V的拨动开关。安装Zebra 105SL条码打印机时,请注意检查拨动开关的位置,确保打印机的工作电压与供电电压相符,同时检查供电电源是否接安全地。 [注意] 在插拔任何连线时,都应该关闭微机和打印机的电源。否则易损坏打印机和微机的...
Supply Paper Mode: Automatic and Manual Integration; Style: Black and White; Character Structure: Full-width Characters Printers; Type: Thermal line dot printing; Interface Type: N/A; Network Function: N/a; Consumable Type: N/a; Max. Paper Size: 80mm...
Zebra条码打印机品牌型号相关视频:Zebra ZT200系列cleaning-printhead-and-platen-roller英;Zebra ZT200 print-server-installation 英文;Zebra ZT230 碳带安装ribbon-media-load 英文;Zebra ZT200 platen-roller-replacement 英文;Zebra ZT230 手动校准manual-calibra
001 rev zebra zt400系列用户指南ba ztgb.pdf,© 2013 ZIH Corp. The copyrights in this manual and the software and/or firmware in the printer described therein are owned by ZIH Corp. and Zebra’s licensors. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual or the
Zebra斑马ZT510使用说明书.pdf,ZT510 工业用打印机 用户指南 P1095460-04ZHCN ZEBRA 字标和仿斑马头部图像均为 Zebra Technologies Corporation 的商标,并已在世界多个司法辖区 注册。所有其他商标是其各自所有人的财产。 © 2019 Zebra Technologies Corporation 和 /
the product CD. Proprietary Statement This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and maintaining the equipment described herein. Such proprietary ...
/copyright WARRANTY: /warranty END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: /eula Terms of Use Proprietary Statement This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its subsidiaries (“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and main...