Example: TC51/91-01-21-NN-00/16885225D0029/170621/2100/ NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value Enable Module Enable or disable LTS collection Boolean false Log path The storage path for LTS files String <RxLogger_Path>/RxLoggerLTS/See Logs for the expanded path represented by <RxLogger_Path> Secure...
TC51 HealthcareAndroid Oreo TC52Android Oreo TC56Android Oreo TC57Android Oreo TC57 HealthcareAndroid Oreo TC70XAndroid Oreo TC75XAndroid Oreo TC72Android Oreo TC77Android Oreo VC80XAndroid Oreo WT6000Android Nougat MARCH 2019 UPDATE: Enterprise Browser 2.0.1 (and later) adds support for the ...
• Android 11 with LifeGuard OS Update 11-23-13.00-RG-U00 (or later) ² Requires Zebra Workstation Connect 1.4.86 (or later)³ Configurable only through Managed Configs or device UI Device SupportSupport added for Zebra TC53 devices (see Platform Note, below) See all supported devices...
June 2022 Update (v.3.3)Important TC53 InformationNew Android restrictions prohibit the TC53 (and other forthcoming devices of the same platform) from supporting the adb “push” command for deployment of files to the device. This prevents deployment functions of Zebra’s Config Editor and Short...