Genus Equus contains 9 species Ass or donkey (23 facts) Burchell's zebra (16 facts) Horse (24 facts) Grevy's zebra (20 facts) Kulan (18 facts) Kiang (16 facts) Onager (12 facts) Quagga (26 facts) Mountain zebra (23 facts) Family Equidae contains 1 genera Equus (9 animals) ...
Zebras are classified within the genus Equus, which also includes horses and donkeys. Within the genus Equus, there are three species of zebras: the plains zebra (Equus quagga), the mountain zebra (Equus zebra), and the Grévy’s zebra (Equus grevyi). Each species has a unique scientific n...
Zebra, any of three species of strikingly black-and-white striped mammals of the horse family Equidae (genus Equus). All zebras are dark-skinned animals. The zebra’s stripes arise from melanocytes (specialized skin cells) that selectively determine the
genus Poephila,Poephila- grassfinches grass finch,grassfinch- usually brightly-colored Australian weaverbirds; often kept as cage birds Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations ...
What genus does the grizzly bear belong to? What word is used to refer to a group of hippopotamuses What is the scientific name of elephant? What is a baby cheetah called? What is the genus and species of a mountain lion? What are some adaptations of a cheetah?
1.any of several horselike African mammals of the genusEquus,each species having a characteristic pattern of black or dark brown stripes on a whitish background. 2.Slang.a football official, who usu. wears a black and white striped shirt. ...
Genus Equus Scientific Name Equus zebra x Equus asinus Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Zonkey Conservation Status Not Listed Zonkey Locations AfricaZonkey Facts Prey Grasses, Herbs, Fruit Name Of Young Foal Group Behavior Herd Fun Fact The offspring of Zebra and Donkey parents...
genus Poephila Poephila cast... zebra finch noun Synonyms for zebra finch nounsmall Australian weaverbird with markings like a zebra's Synonyms Poephila castanotis Related Words genus Poephila Poephila grass finch grassfinch Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Un...
Scientifically, zebras belong to the genus Equus, placing them within the same family as horses and donkeys. Three distinct species of zebra are recognized: the plains zebra (Equus quagga), the Grévy's zebra (Equus grevyi), and the mountain zebra (Equus zebra). While s...
Genus Equus Scientific Name Equus zebra, Equus quagga, Equus grevyi Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. Zebra Conservation Status Endangered Zebra Locations AfricaZebra Facts Prey Grasses, Leaves, Bark, Shrubs Name Of Young Foal Group Behavior Herd Fun Fact Stripe patterns are uniqu...