Product typeMicro Spin Column0.5 mL Spin Column2 mL Spin Column5 mL Spin Column10 mL Spin Column20 mL Spin Column See all40K MWCO Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, Plates, and Cartridges › Choose the right Zeba product for ...
See all40K MWCO Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, Plates, and Cartridges › Choose the right Zeba product for high throughput and automation MWCO7K7K7K40K Sample volume20–100 µL50–250 µL100–1,500 µL20–100 µ...
规格:25 columns 价格:3629 货号:87767 规格:50 columns 价格:6502 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 聚丙烯离心柱经特殊设计,预先填充高性能 Zeba 脱盐树脂,可对蛋白样品快速脱盐,回收率高。该树脂可有效吸附样品中的盐类和其他小组分,同时不妨碍蛋白质和其他生物大分子流通,使其可以直接流入离心收集管。这些特...
这些特定脱盐柱所用的 Zeba 树脂的标称截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 40K,从而确保高效回收分子量大于 40,000 的蛋白质。 离心柱易于使用,与标准的滴滤柱相比极大改善了实验结果。该系统无需等待样品从重力流中滤出和监控蛋白回收的组分。使用常规离心机或微量离心机对脱盐柱中的样品进行离心处理。无需色谱硬件或制备脱盐...
规格:5 columns 价格:996 货号:87769 规格:25 columns 价格:4576 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 Thermo Scientific Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 2 mL are polypropylene devices containing a proprietary high-performance size-exclusion chromatography resin that provides an excellent protein desa...
规格:5 columns 价格:996 货号:87769 规格:25 columns 价格:4576 产品介绍 技术参数 相关产品 产品介绍 Thermo Scientific Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 2 mL are polypropylene devices containing a proprietary high-performance size-exclusion chromatography resin that provides an excellent protein desa...
我们所设计的 Zeba 柱适用于大多数吊篮式或固定角度的台式或落地式离心机(在使用前请确认头顶空隙),并且具有5种容量和两种截留分子量 (MWCO),即 7K 和 40K。 查看所有脱盐产品 › 选择适合您的 Zeba 脱盐离心柱 产品规格微量离心...
Features of Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 10 mL:• High recovery—low-binding resin maximizes protein recovery• Fast—no screening of fractions or waiting for protein to emerge by gravity-flow• Easy-to-use—no cumbersome column preparation or equilibration• Flexible—available in...
(Zeba High-Performance Resin) that offers excellent protein desalting and recovery in a centrifuge format. When using Zeba Micro Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 75 μL, even very dilute (25 μg/mL) protein samples can be successfully processed to obtain greater than 95% retention (removal)...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“PIERCE87769Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 2ml (for 200–900µl)25 co 25 columns”的生产销售。多年的“PIERCE87769Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 40K MWCO, 2ml (for 200–900µl)25 co 25 columns”生产与销售的经