This isn’t just a great E.P from a talented and intelligent artist, this is an essential work that needs to be heard and shared with as many people as possible. Wake Of A Nationis out now and is available here
Tindersticks : Mayday &... Discord Has it Leaked Discord(new) Foooound: Street wear Download & Stream Album download leak:See leak report at the top of the page. Album stream:There is no official stream reported. Album
Zeal and Ardor’s debut,Devil is Finepiqued quite a few of us with its bizarre split personality and penchant for hooks. The follow-up to that Bandcamp smash-hit,Stranger Fruithas been anxiously anticipated here, where in our best hopes we imagined an album just as catchy and eclectic but...
out June 8 via MVKA/Radicalis. Titled in reference to the stark depictions of lynching in the iconic song “Strange Fruit,” the album continues Zeal & Ardor’s descent into American racism’s unresolved legacy of malevolence and despair. This time, though...
“n—er” music,” Gagneux, who is biracial, was hardly ruffled. Instead, he was intrigued by the musical possibilities, and Zeal & Ardor was born. Gagneux started this unprecedented fusion as a purely sonic exercise that was never meant to be serious. But by the time of his 2016 ...