Down the street, Thelen LLP was known to be on shaky ground, and word was the bicoastal firm was looking to merge with a national firm and expand in size. Partners in Thelen's Hartford office were uncertain whether a bigger firm would think of keeping open their approxi- mately 30-...
LawGeex的AI有个非常重要的特点,它能够理解文字的意思,分析其中的概念。这个功能是靠内置的法律语言处理(Legal Language Processing, LLP)和法律语言理解(Legal Language Understanding, LLU)模块实现的。早先的算法是搜索和匹配关键词,如果关键词被省略了,算法就无能为力了。对于LawGeex的AI来说即便文字中个别词语不...