Don’tforgetthatyoucanerasemaskedareasbyholdingtheALTkeyatthesame timeyouareusingCtrl.YoucsocombhemaskwiththenewStroketypes(Circle, Square,Curve)orusethenewmaskingbrushes(MaskRectangle,MaskCircle,etc.). DonotforgettousetheLazyMouseandBacktrackfeaturestogetcrisplinesforhard- edgedmeshes. When your model ...
If we can delete any one line from the mesh by holding Alt button of keyboard and then drag moue cursor on that line. Once we delete any line of any mesh the area covered by that mesh also get deleted. You can see we were in symmetry mode during drawing poly mesh so we have same ...
Lighten and Blur Mask (Ctrl-LMB on masked area) Sharpen Mask (Ctrl-Alt--LMB) Invert Mask (Ctrl-i or Ctrl-LMB click in empty region) Draw rectangular Mask (Ctrl-Drag) Hold spacebar to move mask Group Mask into Polygroup and then Clear Mask (Ctrl-W) ...
Basically, it turns anything you have masked into a polygroup and then clears the mask. In other words, if you want to turn the currently masked area into a polygroup, press CTRL + W.) Make all polygroups into one CTRL + W(Applies a single polygroup to the active subtool; if a sub...
Hey, I was thinking about an feature which can be called"Magic Mesh". Its purpose will be to make Copies of original mesh on unmasked "Original Mesh" area where user can have "4 option to check", 1) X axis, 2) Y axis, 3) Z axis 4) Random Rotations. ...
target变形目标store mt储存变形目标delmt删除变形目标create diff创建差异网格morph变形project morph变形投射morphdist变形距离grd渐变polypaint fromtexture从纹理绘制多边形polypaint from folyfroup从多边形组绘制多边形uv map uv贴图大小delete uv删除uv贴图morph uv变形uv uv map size uv贴图大小uv map size uv贴图...
CTRL+Click the canvas to invert the mask. This will mask off everything that is visible, even though nothing was masked prior to this step. CTRL+Shift+Click the canvas once again to unhide everything. At this point you should have something that looks like this (your polygroups may be di...