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Did you know that Facebook has a dark web version? It’s called ‘Facebook onion’ and can only be accessed through the Tor browser. This is a social media platform that allows users to communicate with each other. Without revealing their identities- perfect for those who want to stay pri...
How to use composer, dependency management tool for PHP. to download and use 3rd libraries. Best Way To Find Public IP Address [using 1 Command Line] You may wish to find public IP address (a.k.a, The external IP address) for various reasons. Let’s see how can you do it via the...
The reason for this: Group sits at the intersection of a design tool concept (Group, which has no size of its own; it simply has the super-bounding-box of its contained elements) and a sort of "Group as div" as we would use in HTML. The "correct" way to have sized containers ...
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(Коран Ўзбек) application maintains the way like the book form of Quran majeed maintains itself. So a reader might not face any problem in the time of recitation. Hence, with honour and respect, you can keep it reading through our Qur'on O'zbek (Коран Ўзбе...