T Cell Activation-Induced CrkII Binding to the Zap70 Protein Tyrosine Kinase Is Mediated by Lck-Dependent Phosphorylation of Zap70 Tyrosine 315doi:10.4049/jimmunol.175.12.8123Sigal GelkopGerrald D GishYael BabichevNoah Isakov
It was more frequent than in Polish general population (3.85% vs 0.2-1.4%). Conclusion: HCV may play a role in pathology of lichen planus based on the results from the Northern Polish population.MichajowskiKatedraIgorKatedraClinical Dermatology / Dermatologia Kliniczna...
POST COVID HR TRENDOVI ORGANIZACIJE RADA I NJIHOV ZNAAJ ZA ZAPOSLENE U SRBIJIdoi:10.5937/MegRev2302047KAt the beginning of 2020, the world as we knew it changed and it is quite certain that no one could have predicted the extent of those changes and how long t...
Samba, Augustine
Skala do badania zaabsorbowania pracą (SZAP)High commitment to work is treated as a cue of addiction. Workoholism means that in spite of physical and psychological costs there is compulsion to work, failures in attempts to make changes, increase to overload. Work becomes the most ...
BADANIA ZUYCIA ELEMENTW UKADU WTRYSKOWEGO SILNIKA O ZAPONIE SAMOCZYNNYM ZASILANEGO PALIWAMI ROLINNYMIThe paper presents the results of test-stand experiments of the pumping sections of the in-line injection pumps. The analysis included damage of the piston occurring when the pump was supplied ...
ZAPTIVAC, PRVENSTVENO ZA VRATILA1,270,324. Shaft seals. J. SZEPESVARY. 1 Aug., 1969 [2 Aug., 1968], No. 38725/69. Heading F2B. Sealing means for a shaft 7 comprises a sealing element 3 having a sealing lip 4 and a carrier part 6 which is detachably retained in a recess 2...
Czynniki odpowiedzialne za modulacj mikrobiomu jelitowego i ich wpyw na przebieg zapalenia w nieswoistych chorobach zapalnych jelit – wybrane aspektydoi:10.18388/pb.2021_479INFLAMMATORY bowel diseasesANTIMICROBIAL peptidesVITAMIN DIRONALIMENTARY canalGUT microbiome...
ZAPTIVAC PRVENSTVENO ZA VRATILA1,270,324. Shaft seals. J. SZEPESVARY. 1 Aug., 1969 [2 Aug., 1968], No. 38725/69. Heading F2B. Sealing means for a shaft 7 comprises a sealing element 3 having a sealing lip 4 and a carrier part 6 which is detachably retained in a recess 2 ...
At the same time, analysis deals with several problems and controversies immanent to this legal institute, giving full image on its values and flaws, with the inevitable conclusion that state of deregulation in Serbia has to be ended as soon as possible.Mario Reljanovi...