Women were more likely than men to report some risk of HIV if they were aware of their partner's serostatus and had more interpersonal communication on HIV. Married women were less likely to consider themselves at risk than unmarried women. The findings indicate that it is essential for men ...
1 Gender 1=male; 2=female 2 Age 1=<20, 2=20–30, 3=31–40, 4=41–50, 5=51–60, 6=>60 3 Education 1=no education, 2=primary school, 3=secondary school, 4=craft certificate, 5=diploma, 6=bachelor’s degree, 7=master’s degree, 8=doctorate, 9=other 4 Number of ...
Do M, Meekers D (2009) Multiple sex partners and perceived risk of HIV infection in Zambia: attitudinal determinants and gender differences . AIDS Care 21 : 1211–1221Do M, Meekers D. Multiple sex partners and perceived risk of HIV infection in Zambia: attitudinal determinants and gender ...
(2017) have shown that gender inequality within Zambian households has negative implications for women’s well-being. This brings us to the importance of social dimensions of SWB. SWB is inherently social and relational: aspirations and the capability to achieve a good life are forged within ...
Socioeconomic factors included the following community wealth (low, medium, high); community education (low, medium, high); and community employment status (low, medium, high). Gender norms included: community woman decision making autonomy (low, medium, high); and access to information, ...
As part of its whole child approach, Read to Succeed worked with the Ministry to promote HIV prevention by implementing education components that address health and psychosocial needs. Supported by USAID/PEPFAR, the program integrated girls’ education, sexual and gender-based violence prevention, life...
However, due to traditional gender roles, cultural norms, household bargaining power, or other factors, the allocation of food within households might not be based solely on the needs of individual household members. Specific groups within households, such as children or women of childbearing age, ...
Data on disaggregation by gender, HIV status or geographical origin were not available. Conclusion Whilst Zambia has achieved WHO targets for leprosy control, leprosy prevalence data from Zambia may not reflect real situation because of poor data recording and surveillance. Greater investment into ...
, Gender in economic life: Annual readings in economic anthropology. Walnut Creek: Alta Mira Press. Google Scholar Cligget, L., Coleson, E., Hay, R., Scudder, T., & Unruh, J. (2007). Chronic uncertainty and momentary opportunity: A half century of adaptation among Zambia’s Gwembe...
WHO HIV policy adoption and implementation status in countries. Geneva; 2019. Available at: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/326035/WHO-CDS-HIV-19.20-eng.pdf?ua=1. Report No.: CC BY_NC-SA 3.0 IGO licence. Accessed 15 Jul 2022. World Health Organization. WHO guideline ...