This country, which is in South-Central Africa, sometimes known as Southern Africa, has borders to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the northeast, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe and Botswana to the south, Namibia to the southwest, and...
(Zambia is the leading country in the capitalist world in copper export), complex metals 2.8 percent, and tobacco and corn 1 percent. The chief countries to which Zambia exports are (1969) Great Britain (25.8 percent), Japan (23.5 percent), and the Federal Republic of Germany (12.5 percent...
Zambia lies in the heart of central Africa and shares borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the north, with Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique in the east, with Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia in the south, and with Angola in the west. Zambia has no direct access to...
Binga District shares borders with Zambia's Southern Province district of Sinazongwe. The two regions have a free travel and trade agreement which provides an interesting cross-border monetary dimension from shared socioeconomic practices between Zimbabweans and Zambians. The two countries' ...
Zambia Travel - Zambia is a landlocked country with land borders with Tanzania in the north-east, Malawi in the east, Mozambique and Zimbabwe in the south-east, Botswana and Namibia in the south, Angola in the west and Zaire in the north-west. The Victoria Falls and Zambezi river contribut...
Zambia is a landlocked countryin the heart of Africa. It’s part of an unbroken wilderness area that runs through the heart of the continent. Zambia borders the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and Angola. ...
. The country's rate of economic growth cannot support rapid population growth or the strain which HIV/AIDS related issues (i.e., rising medical costs, decline in worker productivity) place on government resources. Zambia is also one of Sub-Saharan Africa's most highly urbanized countries. ...
Independence: For most countries, this entry gives the date that sovereignty was achieved and from which nation, empire, or trusteeship. For the other countries, the date given may not represent "independence" in the strict sense, but rather some significant nationhood event such as the traditiona...
In North-Western Province, adjoining the Angolan and Congolese borders, there is no single dominant group; the peoples there include the southernLundaand theLuvale,Chokwe, Luchazi, Mbunda, Ndembu, andKaonde. Southern Province is home to theIla-Tonga peoples, of which 12 separate groups speaki...
Many countries in the world have independentist movements within their borders and the African continent is no exception. Due to its colonial past and the distribution of its regions between the European colonies, the current African map is composed of several states who encompassed a whole series...