KRIVINO DJELO OTMICA U KRIVINOM ZAKONU REPUBLIKE SRPSKE S POSEBNIM OSVRTOM NA ZAKONSKA RJEENJA ZEMALJA U OKRUENJUdoi:10.7251/APE1818062UThis paper will mostly focus on the analysis of the legal definition of the criminal offense of abduction in the Criminal Code of the R...
At the end, it can be stated that in this Law all universal principles for protection of archival records got their place and significance.Bojan Stojnić
Zaštita arhivske i registraturne građe u vanrednim okolnostima u zakonima i podzakonskim aktima Republike SrpskeThe archival material as movable cultural property is treated in the legal solutions of the utmost importance for the Republic of Serbian. Across the laws and especially the Law ...
Ikanovi, VeljkoGaji, GoranAnnual of the Faculty of Law / Godinjak Fakulteta Pravnih Nauka