NOVI ZAKON O PARNIČNOM POSTUPKU REPUBLIKE SRBIJEThe new Law on Legal Proceedings of the Republic of Serbia was brought in 2011 and its regulations were put into effect on February 1st, 2012. Altho...
vu Republike Srbije Izvršenje zavodskih vaspitnih mera prema maloletnim učiniocima imovinskog kriminaliteta u pozitivnom zakonodavstvu Republike SrbijeIzvršenje zavodskih vaspitnih mera prema maloletnim učiniocima imovinskog kriminaliteta u pozitivnom zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije...
The fu-neral was conducted with the highest State honors on 6 October 2012 in the family tomb in Oplenac.Jelena Đ. Lopičić Jančić
STANDARDIZACIJA LEGISLATIVE REPUBLIKE SRBIJE SA ZAKONODAVSTVOM EVROPSKE UNIJE (OSVRT NA SPORAZUM O PRIZNANJU KRIVIČNOG DELA U ODREDBAMA ZKP-A)We are witnessing a crime in recent years internationalized and more nacionlne knows no bounds. As such, participants in the exercise of criminal ...
Indicije za uvođenje pre pack instituta u stečajno zakonodavstvo Bosne i Hercegovine (sa osvrtom na pravo Republike Srbije)Reorganization plan is an essential instrument for the procedure of reorganization of insolvent company. In order to perform a successful recovery and continued smooth ...
POLICIJSKO ZADRŽAVANJE LICA U ZAKONODAVSTVU REPUBLIKE SRBIJEWhile enforcing police duties, police officers are protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, they are ensuring the rule of law, but often, in accordance with the most important legal documents, applying their powers, they ...
The criminal-legal aspect deals with murder and all forms of killings that exist in the Serbian criminal legislation, whereas the aspect of crime science treats the methodology of detecting and proving the offense of murder.E. Beirovi