Zakat al-Fitr is the amount deducted from the Muslim's food after the month of Ramadan and before Eid al-Fitr prayers in the form of food or money. Some call it Alms or Zakat Al-Abdan (bodies). The Zakat given by the Muslim is derived from "Fitrah" (creation), and called Zakat Al...
4. Zakatul-Fitr must be given before the prayer of Eid. It is forbidden to delay it until after the Eid day. If one, for any reason, is prevented from giving it at that particular time, one must pay it after that time passes. If there is a need, Zakatul-Fitr may be given at ...
Although Allah (SWT) through his mercy has stated clearly that the duty of performing Hajj is only obligatory for those who can afford it, we have to also remember that many Muslims have also been blessed with vast amounts of wealth. In particular those living in western countries such as ...
of the nisab(threshold) – 85 g of gold or 595 g of silver or equivalentamount of money or trading stock on top of the familyexpenses. Zakat-ul-mal amount varies, being 2.5% for theSunni Muslims and 5% for the Shiite Muslims. Zakat-ul-mal payable on agriculture produce is higher and...
'Abdullaah bin 'Umar (radyAllaahu 'anhumaa) reported: "The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) obligated (Zakaat) al-Fitr of Ramadaan upon every slave, free person, male, female, child and adult among the Muslims." [Agreed Upon] Zakaat-ul-Fitr consists of a saa' of ...