Zakatak Productions is the producing entity for the films of writer/director Paul Schwartz. Based in the Hudson Valley in New York, we are an independent production company with a vision of filmmaking focused on stories that touch the heart and enrich the soul. LEARN MORE Recent PRODUCTIONS...
New York: Routledge.Pakistan’s Zakat System: A Policy Model for Developing Countries as a Means of Redistributing Income to the Elderly Poor - Clark - 2001 () Citation Context ...example of a Muslim country trying to help its most vulnerable older citizens using a system based on ...
So, there will be sirens, there will be interruptions and that’s what you get when you record outside in New York, it tends to want to be present right there with you.That’s enough intro for show, please enjoy.More About Rashid Zakat...
In Morocco, calls to contribute zakat were explicitly linked to the context of the Covid pandemic. For example, some public figures and imams called for zakat al-fitr to be donated to the Covid relief fund (Jaidani2020). Critically, the perception of zakat’s potential role in supporting t...