자진뱃노래 - 황태음과 아씨 词:민요 曲:민요 编曲:한정규 어야 디야 어야디야 어기야 디야 어기야디야 어기야디야 에헤 에헤에에 에헤에에 어 야 에헤에에 에야 어야 어...
zaj in English: 1. noise Don't make noise. There have been a lot of complaints in the last few days about the amount of noise coming from your apartment. Noise is the most serious problem for those who live around the airports. I don't know what kind of creature is making such a...
也只有这一口火锅了 从北走到南,从头吃到尾。这家火锅店给我印象最深的就是身高赛姚明的“极品仔鹅肠”。还没有看到店招,就先闻到火锅的麻辣香味。这也是所有火锅的通病,让人欲罢不能挪不动步的迷幻招式。锦 城 印 象 火锅特別推介 麻辣重口 锦城印象一直是我很喜欢的火锅,它没有特别多的花样迷惑顾客...
越耶我吃得越(zajin) “蓝天白云 晴空万里 突然暴风雨” 最近成都的天气比蒸桑拿还恼火 求哪位男士发个誓劈个雷 顺势来场暴风雨⛈⛈⛈ 能让成都人顶着炎炎烈日 狂风曝雨出门的 也只有这一口火锅了 从北走到南,从头吃到尾。这家火锅店给我印象最深的就是身高赛姚明的“极品仔鹅肠”。还没有看到...
03.传送门,我们来了 2020-05-14 11:18:0409:13126.7万 所属专辑:植物大战僵尸之星际大冒险 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 1836888rowz 000
obyczaj in English: 1. custom The less there is to justify a traditional custom, the harder it is to get rid of it. It's a Polish custom A custom developed in which they would kiss each other. I like the Japanese custom of offering guests moist towels, called oshibori. I'm not ...
zajin!【转发】@全球第一恶搞:美国大兵从伊拉克回来发现老婆出轨了,没想到真相比想象中的更加残酷……贵圈真乱,真是一场年度狗血大戏!! L全球第一恶搞的秒拍视频
zazwyczaj zazwyczajin Indonesian: 1.biasanya Biasanya saya bangun pada pukul enam. Sikapnya padaku berbeda dari biasanya.
zajtrkin English: 1. Is breakfast ready? Could you bring my breakfast to room 305? Today's breakfast was dried mackerel and miso soup. I ate a modest breakfast of toast, coffee, and one egg. Breakfast will not be served after ten o'clock. ...