Zack Snyder 执导的 Netflix 电影系列 "Rebel Moon" 第二部将伴随一张五首歌曲的 EP 于4月5日发行,名为 "Rebel Moon – Songs of the Rebellion"。曲目列表如下——“Child of Fire” – Jessie Reyez “Jalo!”– Tok...
You are working with Zack Snyder on the two-film “Rebel Moon.” What gave you the confidence to make two movies back-to-back? Marmur: Zack came in with so much passion. This is a film that he’s had in mind for decades. As you know, he’...
#Netflix# app上独家预告片合集#Zack Snyder##rebel moon# all teasers #trailer#
近日,扎导Zack Snyder公开了与Netflix合作的科幻史诗电影《月球叛军》(Rebel Moon)多张美术视觉图。 故事讲述银河系边缘的一个和平殖民地受到了残暴摄政王Balisarius的军队的威胁,于是他们派遣了一个有着神秘过去的年轻女子去寻找邻近星球的战士,帮助他们表明立场、捍卫领土。
Netflix has released the trailer for Rebel Moon - The Director's Cut, which is set to arrive on August 2 and will allow the world to see "Zack Snyder's true vision" of this sci-fi tale.
Credit: Netflix An ensemble cast bannersRebel MoonwithSofia BoutellaasKora, the main character of the movie. Boutella will be joined by the lead actorCharlie HunnamasKai, her love interest in the film. Meanwhile, here are the rest of the cast members starring in Zack ...
At the moment, Zack Snyder has all his focus on building the Rebel Moon cinematic universe. In fact, it’s been rumored Netflix will soon announce multiple projects in the coming months. The filmmaker recently teased that agraphic novel and animation shortare already in ...
Get ready for an action-packed intergalactic saga from visionary director Zack Snyder. His new two-part sci-fi epic Rebel Moon is coming soon exclusively to
Moonalready producing two movies right out of the gate, itclearly shows thatRebel Moon:Part Onehas the potential be Netflix's biggest 2023 release. It also suggests that Snyder, well-known for the long-running times of his movies, may have made his longest film to date withRebel Moon. ...
Rebel Moonrecently wrapped principal photography, and director Zack Snyder has taken to Vero to share a new image from hisSeven Samurai-inspired sci-fi adventure film. The filmmaker apologized for the quality of the shot (none of the actors are identifiable), but the behind-the-scenes s...