When a toilet paper roll was finished, rather than replace the roll on the dispenser, they managed to just toss the empty cylinder behind the toilet. We pride our house on our “Kids Art Wall” where we encourage guests to add to the collection. Over the years, dozens of kids have cont...
importspacynlp=spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")defadd_brackets_to_proper_nouns(text):doc=nlp(text)forentindoc.ents:ifent.label_=="PERSON"and" "inent.text:text=text.replace(ent.text,f"[[{ent.text}]]")elifent.label_=="WORK_OF_ART":text=text.replace(ent.text,f"[[{ent.text}]]")...
Audio: Bryan Ferry Covers ‘Bob Dylan’s Dream’ Plus ‘Positively 4th Street’ & More April 24, 2014 Video: Jeff Healey & Stanley Jordan Jam Like Crazy on ‘All Along the Watchtower’ – Epic 17-minute Version April 24, 2014 Video: Portishead’s Beth Gibbons Sings on Gonga’s ‘Bla...
The timing seemed off. By my calculations, she would have been a mother of two living in Oregon by the time he graduated high school. He defended a bar during the LA Riots? Biker clubs don’t let dudes in that easily. And what about him claiming he was there when the Wall of Sound...
Filed under:Basketball,The Citadel| Tagged:Austin DahnBen Stywall,Bo Holston,Brandon Giles,Bryan Streeter,Cameron Wells,College of Charleston,Cosmo Morabbi,Ed Conroy,Elon,Furman,Harrison Dupont,Kendall Toney,Kyle Randall,Louisville,McAlister Field House,Mikko Koivisto,Samford,Southern Conference,SportSouth...