Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 解决办法: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项, TrapperTimeout 其他 对应Zabbix_server...
Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 出现场景:所有监控类型 解决方案: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项, TrapperTimeout ...
Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 解决办法: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项, TrapperTimeout 其他 对应Zabbix_server...
问题描述: Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 解决办法: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy的配置项,TrapperTimeout 其他 对应Zabbix_...
Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 出现场景:所有监控类型 解决方案: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 ...
- Curl error (28): Timeout was reached for http://vault.centos.org/centos/8/AppStream/x86_64/os/repodata/repomd.xml [Operation too slow. Less than 1000 bytes/sec transferred the last 30 seconds] Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'AppStream': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot...
Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script 解决办法: Zabbix客户端(主动式) Zabbix_agent的配置项,Time_out=(默认3秒) Vmware监控 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项VMwareTimeout SNMP TRAP/Zabbix采集器 对应Zabbix_server/Zabbix_proxy 的配置项, TrapperTimeout ...
Some items and discovery rules (not all) go occasionally inNot supportedstate with message "Timeout was reached", as the external network only allows the correct source IP to reach the VMware host (see screenshots) Expected: All connections performed by zabbix agent honour the SourceIP option....
2) Yes. Asking for tags returns "Timeout was reached" (see attached latest data screen) 3)run proxy with additional logs: at the momento we can't recompile zabbix, as this is a production environment. But, if necessary, we can try to setup a test environment. ...
4 Timeout was reached/Timeout while executing a shell script ERROR SOLUTION * of 50 6 Cannot obtain information for file %: [2] No such file or directory 案例:Cannot obtain information for file /tmp/test.log: [2] No such file or directory 出现场景:log相关监控(zabbix客户端主动式) 解决...