docker 部署zabbix问题 问题1、zabbix proxy 与 server不能正常发送数据 zabbix-server容器报错如下: 158:20200302:075118.359cannot accept connectionfromproxy"log1"at"", allowed address:"x.x.x.x": connectionisnot allowed159:20200302:075119.360cannot accept connectionfromproxy"log1"at""...
zabbix-proxy-server容器报错如下: 143:20200302:155110.352 cannot send proxy data to server at "x.x.x.x": connection is not allowed 143:20200302:155111.353 cannot send proxy data to server at "x.x.x.x": connection is not allowed 1. 2. 原因分析: 出现上述的原因是由于zabbix代理在与server端...
It is allowed to include multiple LoadModule parameters. LoadModulePath否erver 模块的绝对路径。 默认值在编译时指定。 LoadModulePathnoFull path to location of proxy modules. Default depends on compilation options. LogFile是, 如果LogType设置为file, 否则为 日志否件名。
1.zabbix -server 检查日志出现故障 cannot accept connection from proxy "BJ_proxy" at "", allowed address: "": connection is not allowed image.png 解决zabbix web界面上agent代理程序 地址填写有误。 2.zabbix -proxy 检查日志出现故障 cannot send proxy data to server at "
背景 部署完Zabbix agent之后,Server无法获取到数据 报错 服务端 [root@hf-01 ~]# zabbix_get ...
them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y ... Success! Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ...
# 3.报错failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "云服务器内网IP"# 解决修改 -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST="云服务器内网IP" 为-e ZBX_SERVER_HOST=""# 为 Zabbix 专用网络的 Gateway IP 地址 查看方式docker inspect container...
endpoint- the endpoint defined asprotocol://connection_string; slave id- the slave ID; function- the Modbus function; address- the address of first registry, coil or input; count- the number of records to read; type- the type of data; ...
Proxy doesn't seem to push out enough of its history data to the server which results in all items on the proxy lagging behind. After adding some debug statements, I've noticed that it only manages to push out about 1000 records every few seconds: ...
Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you duplicates ZBX-14660cannot start zabbix-server in Zabbix 3.4.11 Closed Activity Marco Aroldiadded a comment -2019 Jan 02 16:30 This is the startup piece: and this is the ending piece: ...