Does not match regular expression 指定一个值不能匹配的正则表达式 Check for error in JSON 检查位于 JSONpath 的应用程序级错误消息。 Check for error using a regular expression 使用正则表达式检查应用程序级错误消息。 Check for not supported value Throttling Discard unchanged 如果值未更改,则丢弃它。 如果...
指定一个值必须匹配的正则表达式。 Does not match regular expression 指定一个值不能匹配的正则表达式 Check for error in JSON 检查位于 JSONpath 的应用程序级错误消息。 Check for error using a regular expression 使用正则表达式检查应用程序级错误消息。 Check for not supported value Throttling Discard unchang...
Does not match regular expression 指定一个必须不能匹配的正则表达式的值.如果你使用 Custom on fail 复选框, 在预处理步骤失败的情况下,该项不会变得不受支持,并且可以指定自定义错误处理选项:丢弃该值、设置指定值或设置指定的错误消息。 Check for error in JSON 检查位于JSONpath的应用程序级错误消息。如果成...
1 - does not equal;2 - contains;3 - does not contain;8 - matches;9 - does not match. value string Pattern to match item, trigger, graph or host prototype name depending on selected object. opstatus object Override operation status object for item, trigger and host prototype objects. op...
不匹配正则表达式(Does not match regular expression)—— 数据不能配置指定的正则表达式 在JSON中检查错误(Check for error in JSON)—— JSON数据中不能包含指定的JSON路径 在XML中检查错误(Check for error in XML)—— XML数据中不能包含指定的XML路径 ...
logrt["/home/zabbix/logs/^logfile[0-9]{1,3}$",,,100]#this item will match a file like "logfile1" (will not match ".logfile1")logrt["/home/user/^logfile_.*_[0-9]{1,3}$","pattern_to_match","UTF-8",100]#this item will collect data from files such "logfile_abc_1" or ...
在该页面中直接测试会提示“cannot perform regular expression "^(.*)%$" match for value of type "string": pattern does not match”,这是由于该页面测试没有获取值,可以保存后直接在数据查看页面看效果,也可以在下图箭头指向的框中填入类似的结果值来进行测试。
Pattern matching has been introduced in the Include directives of Zabbix daemon configuration files, using the asterisk wildcard character. Thus, to only include relevant files in the specified directory, something like /path/to/config/files/*.conf may be used....
示例: logrt["/home/zabbix/logs/^logfile[0-9]{1,3}$",,,100] - will match a file like "logfile1" (will not match ".logfile1") logrt["/home/user/logfile_.*_[0-9]{1,3}","pattern_to_match","UTF-8",100] - will collect data from files such “logfile_abc_1” or “logfile...
Specifying metric name for Prometheus pattern We don’t know either the metric name or the device. This information will be extracted from the converted JSON to the respective LLD rules. Since we’re talking about traffic items that will be collecting the bytes per second, we also need to ad...