[root@zbx-agent01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginxnx Failed to restart nginxnx.service: Unit not found. [root@zbx-agent01 conf.d]# systemctl restart nginx [root@zbx-agent01 conf.d]# curl -s Active connections: 1 server accepts handled requests 1 1 1 Reading: ...
【2】nginx常用命令 前提:必须进入nginx的目录中(/usr/local/nginx/sbin)才能使用对应的命令 1-启动nginx ./nginx 2-关闭nginx ./nginx -s stop 3-重新加载nginx ./nginx -s reload 【3】nginx配置文件 主要由三部分组成 (1)第一部分:全局块 从配置文件开始到events块之间的内容,主要会设置一些影响nginx服务...
明明启动了zabbix_server,但是检查端口的使用,却没有server这个服务,可见server根本没有启动,如果你使用#service zabbix_server restart,会发现shutdown那一步是“失败”的。 出现这种情况第一件事先检查mysql的服务器是否打开,#service mysql start,如果依旧,那就调用启动日志。默认的启动日志是/tmp/zabbix_server.log...
[root@controller mysql]# yum -y install nginx [root@controller mysql]# systemctl start nginx [root@controller mysql]# systemctl enable nginx Created symlinkfrom/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nginx.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service. 3.安装PHP (1)使用第三方扩展epel源...
0 - service is down, 1 - service is running. If <ip> is missing, IP or DNS name is taken from host definition. If <port> is missing, default service port is used. 检查服务是否运行 这里主要使用icmpping[<target>,<packets>,<interval>,<size>,]这个KEY: 返回值为0表示ping失败,返回值为...
如果启用了Nginx反向代理Tomcat(opscloud),需要配置nginx支持websocket(KeyBox) ```$xslt server { listen 443; server_name opscloud.com; ssl on; ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl_key/opscloud.com.crt; ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl_key/opscloud.com.key; ssl_session_time...
【摘要】 常见问题:问题1:Service "sppsvc" (Software Protection) is not running (startup type automatic delayed)方法1:Win+R → services.msc → 找到Software Protection →修改启动(延迟启动)为启动模式 → 开启服务方法2(管理员运行cmd): > sc config sp... ...
Web server is not running Please check nginx service status. last(/PFSense by SNMP/pfsense.nginx.status)=0 Average LLD rule Network interfaces discovery NameDescriptionTypeKey and additional info Network interfaces discovery Discovering interfaces from IF-MIB. SNMP agent pfsense.net.if.discovery Item...
$ docker logs zabbix Nginx status page: allowed address set to PHP-FPM status page: allowed address set to [LOG 11:33:10] Preparing server configuration [LOG 11:33:10] Config updated. [LOG 11:33:10] Enabling Logging and pid management. [LOG 11:33:10] Done [...
PHP-FPM: Service is down last(/PHP-FPM by HTTP/php-fpm.ping)=0 or nodata(/PHP-FPM by HTTP/php-fpm.ping,3m)=1 High Manual close: Yes PHP-FPM: Version has changed The PHP-FPM version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. last(/PHP-FPM by HTTP/php-fpm.version,...