# vim /usr/local/nginx-1.5.8/conf/vhost/monitor.ttlsa.com.conf server { listen 80 ; server_name monitor . ttlsa . com ; access _log / data / logs / nginx / monitor . ttlsa . com . access . log main ; index index . html index . php index . html ; root / data / site / ...
Required status codes:响应代码必须包含在里面,多个响应代码用逗号分隔,例如200,301,302 web监控阶段2:登陆 post账号和密码上去,关于post在前面已经提过了。 Web监控阶段3:登录验证 Web监控阶段4:退出账号 Web网站检测配置完成 记得保存账号 查看结果 monitorning->web->筛选出你的主机->查看“WEB性能监控_FOR_TTLS...
There are a few ways to monitor a service of Windows where the service name changes on every restart in Zabbix. One way is to use theservice.activeitem key. Theservice.activeitem key returns the name of the service that is currently running. So, if the service name changes, ...
Monitor service and application states Retrieve device information and status Automatically filter and discover WMI metrics Windows performance counters Windows performance counters provide an interface for collecting system and application information. By monitoring Windows performance counter metrics, Zabbix users...
This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for setting up themonitoring of Windows services. It is assumed that Zabbix server and agent areconfigured and operational. To monitor the up/down status of a service you need to perform thefollowing steps: ...
7查看客户端Status 二、自定义监控项 默认的模块中没有满足需求的监控项,就需要自定义监控,来满足需求 使用命令取出来的内容就可以做自定义监控 1查看自带/内置键值 查看代码 ### 内置键值[root@web02 ~]# zabbix_agent2 -p | awk '/^[a-z]+\./{print $1}'agent.hostname ...
[root@zabbix-nginx ~]# systemctl start zabbix-agent[root@zabbix-nginx ~]# cd /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/[root@zabbix-nginx ~]# vim nginx_monitor.sh#!/bin/bashNGINX_COMMAND=$1CACHEFILE="/tmp/nginx_status.txt"CMD="/usr/bin/curl"if[ ! -f$CACHEFILE...
这段代码首先调用 handleWindowsService 函数处理 Windows 服务相关操作。如果在这个过程中出现错误,那么将调用 eventLogErr 函数来对错误进行处理,然后用 fmt.Errorf 创建一个新的错误信息,该错误信息包含了原始错误和 eventLogErr 产生的错误。最后,调用 fatalExit 函数以错误信息作为参数,不添加任何前缀直接输出错误信...
在Linux的Zabbix agent主目录(默认为/var/lib/zabbix)中创建.my.cnf文件,或在Windows的c:\目录中创建my.cnf文件。例如:[client]user='zbx_monitor'password=''您可以在我们的论坛上讨论此模板或提供反馈意见 https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-suggestions-and-feedback/384189-discussion-thread-for-official-...
# $Name:nginx_status.sh # $Version:v1.0# $Function:Nginx Status # $Author:DriverZeng # $organization:blog.driverzeng.com # $Create Date:2016-06-23# $Description:Monitor Nginx Service Status ###NGINX_PORT=80#如果端口不同仅需要修改脚本即可,否则修改xml很麻烦NGINX_COMMAND=$1nginx_active()...