failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "" 原因: 这个问题是因为部署的时候默认,没有配置导致的 只需要修改下agent的配置项就可以了 默认是这个路径,如果你不是的话就要用 find / -name /zabbix_agentd.conf 查找下路径 # vim etc/zabbi...
failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "" 原因: 这个问题是因为部署的时候默认,没有配置导致的 只需要修改下agent的配置项就可以了 默认是这个路径,如果你不是的话就要用 find / -name /zabbix_agentd.conf 查找下路径 # vim etc/zabbi...
failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""1234 1. 2. 3. 问题: 这个是 zabbix_agentd.conf 文件配置错误的提示 解决: 在zabbix的安装目录下 (我的是/usr/local/zabbix): # vim /usr/local/zabbix/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf12 1. ...
[Zabbix5.0]failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "" 修改Agent配置文件 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf Server=, 重启Agent服务 systemctl restart zabbix-agent END...
failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "" 1 结合这个日志,我们查看了主机的网卡,由于是虚拟主机,网卡比较多,系统不知道选择哪个(可能有设置方法,我们没去深究...),于是我们将server地址改成了日志中提示的地址,成功解决问题。
reshamchaneychanged the titleFailed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "zabbix-server"Jan 23, 2023 Collaborator If I add this IP in/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.confit will work. Agreed! But what IP is this? Is this a service? Or any nod...
failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "" 解决办法修改客户端配置文件,加上路由器的IP地址,或者让服务端和客户端处于一个网段内 Server=, ServerActive=, ...
2024/05/30 12:57:31.933182 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""2024/05/30 14:00:13.354076 failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: ""...
Zabbix 常见报错汇总 一、zabbix web上出现Get value from agent failed: ZBX_TCP_READ() failed: [104] Connection reset by peer 1. Debug 过程:1.1 在zabbix server 上使用get 命令时出现:1.2 查看zabbix_agent 日志出现failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" ...
最后安装完以后,在问题处报错,提示我的Zabbix server的zabbix-agent搜索不到,然后看日志,显示failed to accept an incoming connection: connection from "" rejected, allowed hosts: "",我以为是我的配置文件出问题了,然后仔细查看了一遍,没有发现错误,最后想到,可能是官网给的agent包有...