8、SUSE 15 SP2 部署zabbix_agent2 cd /tmp/ wget -c http://zabbix.yanba.com/zabbix-files/zabbix-rpm/suse15/zabbix-agent2-5.2.1-1.sles15.x86_64.rpm # 或者从官网下载: wget-chttps://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/5.2/sles/15/x86_64/zabbix-agent2-5.2.1-1.sles15.x86_64.rpm zypperinstallz...
1.下载zabbix-agent压缩包 下载地址:http://www.zabbix.com/download 2.安装zabbix-agent 1)在非C盘的任意盘创建zabbix文件夹(以D盘为例) 2)解压下载的zabbix-agent文件,根据系统是64位还是32位系统,选择对应版本(以64位为例) 3)将解压出来的文件夹下的 bin\win64 文件夹中的文件拷贝到创建的zabbix文件夹下...
在新机器上直接使用 zabbix_start.bat 启动,则会报zabbix_agentd.exe [8060]: ERROR: cannot open service 异常 解决步骤 找到bin目录,执行zabbix_agentd.exe重新激活 zabbix_agentd.exe -c c:\zabbix\conf\zabbix_agentd.win.conf -i 1. -c后为配置文件路径,最后的参数-i激活,-s启动,-x停止 2. 启动...
Passive checks not working properly due to the incorrect response from agent 2 for some failed checks. Expected: Not working MongoDB is not a Agent availability status. Assignee: Eriks Sneiders Reporter: Edgar Akhmetshin Team: Team INT
每隔5分钟zabbix-agent客户端重启一次,重启时分配共享信号,当信号量超过系统设置的值之后就会重启失败,这是zabbix-agent客户端就会失联。 重启不起来时zabbix-agent大量报错: zabbix_agentd [23122]: cannot create Semaphore: [28] No space left on device ...
求助:zabbix ..2024/05/30 11:59:15.748322 [101] cannot receive data from []: Cannot read message
然后运行第二个命令semodule -i my-zabbixserver.pp 等待执行完毕后,再次启动,得到解决 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 [root@www~]# semodule-i my-zabbixserver.pp[root@www~]# systemctl start zabbix-server[root@www~]# netstat-anpt|grep zabbix[root@www~]# netstat-...
1.安装agent2 # 1.选择合适的安装库 rpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/5.0/rhel/7/x86_64/zabbix-release-5.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm yum clean all # 2.安装zabbix-agent2 yum install -y zabbix-agent2 # 3.启动并设置开启启动 systemctl restart zabbix-agent2 systemctl enable zabbix-agent2 ...
Component/s:Agent2 plugin (N) Labels: agent2 Sprint: Sprint 98 (Mar 2023) Story Points: 1 Install fresh RHEL like machine. Keep firewalld enabled, install zabbix-agent2 6.0.13 Observe agent (debug 5) log, while it is hanging on startup: ...