MPG series motherboards offer colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB and Ambient Link, tuned for better performance by direct 16 phases VRM power, Memory Boost, Lightning Gen5 solution, Premium Thermal Solution, Wi-Fi 6, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2
MPG series motherboards offer colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB and Ambient Link, tuned for better performance by direct 16 phases VRM power, Memory Boost, Lightning Gen5 solution, Premium Thermal Solution, Wi-Fi 6, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2
MPG series motherboards offer colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB and Ambient Link, tuned for better performance by direct 16 phases VRM power, Memory Boost, Lightning Gen5 solution, Premium Thermal Solution, Wi-Fi 6, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2
MPG series motherboards offer colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB and Ambient Link, tuned for better performance by direct 16 phases VRM power, Memory Boost, Lightning Gen5 solution, Premium Thermal Solution, Wi-Fi 6, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2
MPG series motherboards offer colorful customization with MSI Mystic Light RGB and Ambient Link, tuned for better performance by direct 16 phases VRM power, Memory Boost, Lightning Gen5 solution, Premium Thermal Solution, Wi-Fi 6, USB 3.2 Gen 2x2
MPG Z690 EDGE WIFI DDR4 CPU 插槽 CPU (最高支援) 晶片組 記憶體通道 記憶體插槽 最大記憶體 (GB) PCI-E X16 PCI-E X1 M.2 Slot SATAIII RAID 網路介面 USB 3.2 ports (Front) USB 3.2 ports (Rear) WiFi & Bluetooth USB 2.0 接孔 (前端) ... (二维码自动识别) 包装内有许多附件,包括两条SATA线、两条RGB线、两根天线、小螺丝刀、驱动U盘(16 GB)、说明书 、各色信仰贴纸、保修卡、报修单、宣传彩页、感谢信、除尘刷等。
六、微星MPG Z690 EDGE TI WIFI DDR4刀锋钛主板 测试 ▼整机配置一览,处理器是12700K,内存是扎达克的SPARK,显卡是索泰的RTX3070Ti天启OC。 ▼简单跑个测试,整机得分192W,处理器85.4W、显卡60.9W,性能很强。 ▼处理器是12700K,8个大核,4个小核,三级缓存25MB,性能很强。
两把带有MSI logo的螺丝刀也是配件里赠送的小工具,装机不用到处找螺丝刀了。前面提到了白色主板,其实刀锋钛D4主板的配色算不上纯正的白色。它的PCB和元器件基本还是黑色为主,只不过覆盖的散热片全部采用了白色,这样黑白搭配看起来就比全黑的没那么闷了,用来组装白色主机貌似更加协调一点。前面提到了白色主板,...