Z690吹雪,同3101,记得是ROG修复一个UEFI LOGO的漏洞后才变这样,我反正不会因为这个去更新BIOS。
PRIME Z690-A BIOS 3101 - Problem 884 Views ZiOLONwE Level 7 01-01-2024 01:49 AM Good morning, I encountered a strange problem with the new bios. I updated from 2802 to 3101, the update was successful, but when I load the settings profile, the computer does not start at ...
Ok, it seems that when I load the profile from 2806, the computer will not turn on, as in the first post. When I copy these same settings manually, it is OK in BIOS 3101. Topic can be closed. I'm new to the forum and didn't notice that there was a topic about the new bios...
最近翻出了家里的z690-g(更新到BIOS 3101),升级了CPU和显卡 使用也挺正常的,就是无聊的时候有去...
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Reseau (1): Intel I225V (2.5Gb) Wireless: Intel AX210 Wifi AX Bluetooth: Intel AX210 Wifi AX Lien Constructeur: https://www.asus.com Bios___ Version Descriptif Date DL 4101 "1.Enhanced system performance, stability and allowed the C1E power state to be disabled. 14/01/25 4001 ...
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全新BIOS真香模式启动!不仅性能优化还有汉化支持 #微星 #微星主板 #主板BIOS #BIOS #汉化 00:00 / 00:32 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞672 雷诺电脑装机3年前12代酷睿王炸搭档!微星Z690主板入门级开箱#Z690 #电脑配置 #电脑主板 00:00 / 00:26 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞64 启点超频(fps跳帧专业超频)3年...